Saturday, February 26, 2011


This is my Illustration Friday submission for "layer"

IF Layers

The human body has many layers, bone, tendons, ligaments, muscle...ect. The x-acto knife is cutting through paper which has 7 layers then a tissue looking texture this is similar to our skin. The back ground is like layers of an onion or the layers of soil.

Prisma Colour pencils on plain paper

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Illustration Friday "Reverse"

IF reverse

In the 1970s and 1980s parents and certain religious groups claimed that heavy metal music was "Devil music". It was said that if you listened to it in reverse you would hear devil worship messages.

PS 4 + wacom tablet

Monday, February 7, 2011

Editorial art for Viceland article

I read an article and was inspired to do an editorial illustration. I'll explain my concept and then you can decide to read the article if you want. Feel free to give me your opinion on the illustration.


The galley represents the Mc Donalds corporation (golden arches on the sail and the burger on the front of the galley) and is powered by babies (our youth) The oars are spatulas rowing the galley through a sea of green with dollar signs to represent the consumers hard earned money. On the deck there is an adult with a whip. That's a manager yelling at the slaves to go faster. The cartoonish baby is the cashier (Kyle) who wrote this particular article. The spot illustrations are what I would strategically place at certain parts of the article.

The link below takes you on Kyle’s journey to getting Mc Fired!


Friday, February 4, 2011